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Launched in 2018, CryptoSX is a Fiat-to-Crypto Digital Assets Exchange that allowstradingbetweenFIATcurrencies, cryptocurrencies, stable coins, and digital assets. It also provides an asset tokenization platform enabling issuers to tokenize and accredited investors to buy and sell digital assets.
CryptoSX currently supports USD,EUR,Bitcoin,Ethereum, Tether, Litecoin, XRP, andBitcoin Cashtrading, deposits,and withdrawals. CryptoSX’s main business is Asset Tokenization and Security Token Offerings (STO) including assisting issuers to securitize their assets, such as public company securities, real estate, art, antiques, and other valuable assets. The Exchange is currently integrating multiple blockchain platforms to accommodate its STO’s.
In 2018, CryptoSX became the Principal Licensee authorized by the Cagayan Special Economic Zone and Freeport, the Philippines to conduct Financial Technology Solutions and Offshore Virtual Currency Exchange ('FTSOVC') business activities, including the authority to approve and endorse security token offerings, operation of digital assets exchanges as well as the provision of digital assets wealth management services.
# | Moneda | Par | Alertas | +2 % de Profundidad | -2 % de Profundidad | Volumen | Volumen % | Actualizado |
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