Malinka price


2.41% (1d)

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Malinka statistics

Market cap


Volume (24h)


Vol/Mkt Cap (24h)
Total supply
26.24B MLNK
Max. supply
26.24B MLNK
Self-reported circulating supply
26.24B MLNK
MLNK to USD converter
Price performance
All-time high
Sep 02, 2022 (2 years ago)
All-time low
Jun 02, 2023 (2 years ago)
See historical data

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About Malinka

MALINKA (MLNK) is based on the income from exchange (conversion) of crypto cash and any other crypto currencies and tokens from one and into another by all users of the ecosystem. The more users take advantage of the exchange services, the higher is the income directed towards purchasing MALINKA from its users for subsequent utilization. To mine and earn MALINKA one does not need to waste electricity - one only has to provide the respective smart contract with available funds to be placed for any period of time in an income-generating liquidity pool for any currency pair with MALINKA (for example EOS/MLNK) that shall be used to convert one currency into another, thus creating bridges for any exchange. Every second MALINKA is accrued to pool investors as a bonus. One may withdraw his or hers deposit at any time and gather all MALINKA earned. MALINKA may be used to transfer - immediately and free of charge - your funds to any other wallets without any limitations. You may set up an automatic Inheritance of MALINKA by your family and people close to you. In addition to the key advantages described above, MALINKA has the usual traits of all the world’s leading cryptocurrencies: - MALINKA smart contracts are placed on a last-generation blockchain; - Emission of MALINKA is limited to 26.25 billion coins; - Distribution of MALINKA is done by a smart contract, literaly second-by-second among investors into liquidity pools in constantly decreasing amounts; - The distribution of MALINKA emission is finite and will stop - according to an algorithm - after 500 million blockchain blocks (8 years); - In parallel to the emission a certain amount of MALINKA is burned automatically on a daily basis by a smart contract using the funds earned from commissions on currency exchange on a decentralized PayCashSwap service. - Burning and utilization of MALINKA according to a preset algorithm goes on infinitely; - MALINKA is fully decentralized, the keys to its smart contracts having been utilized. Emission of MALINKA is distributed free of charge among investors in liquidity pools. Thus, the more investment is made, the more MALINKA is received by the investors for every dollar invested. The demand for MALINKA basically does not need a secondary market. Exchange of various tokens on the Blockchain is possible through liquidity pools on the decentralized exchange platform PayCashSwap.

What is Malinka?

What is the technology behind Malinka?

What are the real-world applications of Malinka?

What key events have there been for Malinka?

Who are the founders of Malinka?


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