CoinMarketCap Daily, August 16: Crypto Bill Resolved?
Crypto News

CoinMarketCap Daily, August 16: Crypto Bill Resolved?

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3 years ago

Today, we look at rumors over a new CFTC head — and see how much money the U.S. gov is offering to catch dark web hackers.

CoinMarketCap Daily, August 16: Crypto Bill Resolved?


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IRS Will Narrow Enforcement of ‘Unworkable’ Crypto Reporting Rules  🔍

Seeking to ease concerns about the $1 trillion infrastructure bill’s new crypto reporting provisions, the Treasury Department said that the IRS will only seek tax information from actual crypto brokers. As defined, the bill’s ‘unworkable’ language is broad enough to catch miners, validators, node operators and even software developers. Read more here.

U.S. $10M Hacker Bounty Can Be Paid in Crypto on Dark Web 🦹

The State Department’s anti-hacker Reward for Justice program has set up an outpost on the dark web that will pay in crypto. The program targets hackers who launch ransomware, data theft, and system-damaging attacks. Up to $10 million is offered for information that will identify anyone attacking U.S. infrastructure. Crypto makes it anonymous. See the details here.

CFTC Acting Chairman Behnam Will Get Job Permanently 🙋‍♂️

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s acting chairman, Rostin Behnam, will be named to the U.S. regulatory agency’s top job permanently, according to a report. The CFTC’s oversight of crypto comes via its authority over derivatives, including futures and options. Trump-appointed Chairman Heath Tarbert stepped down in January. Get the latest.

Microsoft Turns to Ethereum for Anti-Piracy Tools 🏴‍☠️With Microsoft Windows and Office top piracy targets for many years, the Redmond, Wash. software giant is turning to blockchain technology to protect its IP. A new incentive-based anti-piracy system called Argus is built on the Ethereum blockchain. The goal is to provide information security and full transparency. For more, look here.

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