
80/20 Rule (Pareto Principle)


The 80/20 rule, commonly known as Pareto Principle, states that 20% of your actions account for 80% of results.

What Is the 80/20 Rule (Pareto Principle)?

The 80/20 rule, often known as Pareto Principle, is a concept that states that 20% of the input determines 80% of the outcome in a particular scenario or system.
The concept does not state that this particular ratio applies in all cases; rather, it refers to a typical distribution. In a broader sense, the concept states that a small number of inputs produce a large number of outcomes.
Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian economist, came up with this idea in 1897 when Pareto observed that only around 20% of his pea plants produced roughly 80% of the healthy pea pods in his garden. Later on, he saw that 20% of the population held 80% of the land in England (and every other country he examined after that). Since then, nearly all facets of contemporary life have been impacted by Pareto's notion of predicted imbalance.

Contribution of Juran

The phrase, Pareto Principle, on the other hand, was coined by Dr. Joseph Juran, not by Pareto. In his work in quality management and consulting in the 1940s, Juran used Pareto's discoveries. He assisted firms in improving production by pointing out that only 20% of their manufacturing procedures were responsible for 80% of product problems. So, using the Pareto analysis, he concentrated on lowering the 20% of production issues in order to improve production quality.
Juran used the term "Pareto Principle" to describe this method, and he popularized the idea that in order to achieve the greatest success, we should concentrate on the “few” while ignoring the "many."

Why Is It Important?

Simply, the Pareto Principle aids you in determining where you should concentrate your efforts.
The 80/20 rule can help you identify which resources are most critical to employ in order to maximize efficiency. It aids in the reduction of time, money, supplies, efforts and energy, among other things.

Application of the 80/20 Rule in Different Industries

Information Technology 

Pareto Principle may be used by IT experts to detect the 80% of hazards that are caused by 20% of the security controls.
This allows them to strengthen only a few critical controls while still safeguarding the network from the vast majority of attacks.

Health and Safety

In the field of health and safety, 20% of hazards might be to blame for 80% of workplace accidents.
The bulk of accidents may be avoided by regulating and addressing a small number of risks.
Pareto Principle may also lower a firm’s cost when it comes to health and safety. The cost of preventative measures has a higher return on investment, and the expenses connected with accidents are decreased.


Applying the 80/20 rule to a warehouse will help find the 20% of products that create 80% of the sales.
It is recommended to make these things a priority by highlighting them on the website, in marketing materials and in physical stores.