Curve Hacker Returns Some Funds After $61M Exploit on CRV Pools
Crypto News

Curve Hacker Returns Some Funds After $61M Exploit on CRV Pools

1 year ago

After negotiations on Friday, the hacker returned roughly $10 million of the stolen cryptocurrency to one of the victims, Alchemix.

Curve Hacker Returns Some Funds After $61M Exploit on CRV Pools

Mục lục

Hopes Have Been Raised That the Majority of the Victims Will Receive Their Stolen Funds Back

After negotiations on Friday, the hacker who stole $61 million in assets from the decentralized exchange Curve Finance returned roughly $10 million of the stolen cryptocurrency to one of the victims, Alchemix.
Hopes have been raised that the majority of the victims will receive their stolen funds back. Last weekend saw the loss of assets for Curve, Metronome, and Alchemix as an unidentified hacker used the Vyper language vulnerability to exploit the trading pools.
Due to investors' asset withdrawals prompted by the Curve exploit, the price of the CRV token dropped as much as 31% to 50 cents.
The fall left Michael Egorov, the founder of Curve, at risk of having to liquidate the $168 million CRV used to back his loans, mainly on Aave and Fraxlend.
To pay off some of his at-risk loans, Egorov sold about $42 million of his CRV stockpile, including to the founder of Tron Justin Sun, DCF God, and others in over-the-counter (OTC) transactions at $0.40 per CRV.
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