Development, Marketing & Community Updates: March 2023

Development, Marketing & Community Updates: March 2023

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1 year ago

Read all about Moonland Metaverse development, marketing, and community updates for March 2023.

Development, Marketing & Community Updates: March 2023


This month has been filled with fantastic updates from both the development and marketing teams. We're so excited to share everything we've been up to in March!

I. Game Development

The game development team has been busy with several exciting projects this month:

Our talented team has been working on blending animations and sounds to create a more immersive experience for players. This includes testing the universal body type template animations to ensure seamless integration into the game.

We're thrilled to introduce two new characters to the Moonland environment: Skull and Jesse. Their testing was amazing and we hope you love these two!

Also, our game dev team had a fantastic time attending the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco from March 20 - 24. They had the chance to connect with fellow game developers and exchange ideas.

Last but certainly not least, the dev team is putting the final touches on the playable demo for Consensus 2023, which is happening from April 26 - 28 in Austin, Texas.

II. Marketing

On the marketing side, we have some cool updates to share.

We're delighted to welcome two new members to our team: MJ, our new Social Media Manager, and Maria, our new Copywriter. Stay tuned to get to know more about them!

We hosted a Twitter Space AMA with guests from Citizen Conflict and Qtum, moderated by Andres Meneses. Although initially planned as a Discord Voice Chat AMA, we switched to Twitter Space due to technical issues that we pinky promise won't happen again!

Play the recording here

Then, on March 8th, in honor of International Women’s Day, we shared a peek into the incredible work of the women on our team.

Check out our tweet

For March, there’s also more exciting news. We revealed the complete Moonland story to our community and also revealed some details of our main character’s Kimmi story.

When it comes to March events, our founder attended amazing conferences in Dubai. First off, we have #AIBCDubai on March 15th, where Miguel participated in the Emerging Markets in Crypto: LATAM panel hosted by Andres Meneses.

Then, Miguel on March 28th, Miguel Palencia attended Episode 11 of Arte Talks in Dubai, where he addressed how Web 3 would reshape the future.

Watch here

Lastly, we're happy to launch our first Learn 2 Earn program on Discord, so get ready to learn and earn, Moonlanders!

Learn more

III. Press

Moonland was featured in the following articles:

  • Hackernoon talked about Moonland and our community: Read the article here
  • Crypto Mode named Moonland as one of the emerging crypto companies to keep an eye out for in 2023: Read the article
  • Blockchain Magazine said Moonland is one of the companies that is set disrupt the industry this year: Read the article
  • Blockmanity also included us in one of their articles: Read the article
  • Techbullion anticipated our participation at Consensus: Read the article

IV. Upcoming Events

We're incredibly excited about the upcoming events that Moonland and Qtum will be participating in:

Stay tuned for more updates on Moonland!

Join our Discord community for the latest news and be part of the journey.

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