Rewarding Your Web3 Community: How to Give the Right Incentives
How-to Guides

Rewarding Your Web3 Community: How to Give the Right Incentives

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Building and engaging a successful Web3 community requires understanding the motivations of members, aligning community goals with project goals, and designing incentive programs.

Rewarding Your Web3 Community: How to Give the Right Incentives
We’ve heard time and again that Web3 games need strong communities to succeed. Yet how exactly do you go about building a community, and what’s the best way to reward them and keep them engaged?
The most important thing you need to understand is what motivates the members of your community. Generally, you may classify those who join your Web3 community broadly into two groups, though these are not mutually exclusive.

“Money Motivated — Many jump into crypto for the lucrative investments it can offer. While these communities can help inform new-comers about your project, and will often work in your project's best interest as they are investors, they can quickly dry up if the token price drops.

“Belief Motivated — This type of community tends to be very strong. They believe in your mission, vision, and goals, and will help drive all of it forward. This is also where the best contributors and collaborators can be found.”

Obviously, you would like more members of your community to genuinely believe in your project and to be passionate in supporting it. But growing and engaging your Web3 community means being strategic and pragmatic. The community may have a bigger voice in Web3 and a say in the direction of your project, but ultimately, it’s still your project, and you need to find the right way to manage their behavior and expectations. That’s why it’s called community management, after all.

How, then, can you design programs that will incentivize community members to act in ways that will benefit your project?

Before even establishing a Web3 community, you must establish a primary goal. Community management is not a standalone initiative. You are not rewarding community members just for the sake of rewarding them and making them feel good. Every community activity should contribute to helping you achieve your primary goal.

“More than just establishing a Web3 community, you must establish a primary goal. Of course, you can have secondary goals, but one of them should be your top priority.”

“Working side by side with some internal and external stakeholders, conducting good research (asking and listening to get to know your audience well), and collaborating may help to clarify the business's most pressing needs that the community can assist with.”

“It is critical at this point to align your community goals with your project goals.”

“Let's look at an example. If you are building a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), it is important to bring people closer and, as a result, some of them may turn into brand advocates, in addition to investing in your DAO.”

What, then, are the examples of incentives that will motivate your community members to take your desired action?

Again, you will need to keep in mind the two types of community members, and offer a mix of incentives based on their primary motivations.

“One of the central tenets of Web3 is putting power back in the hands of people, and transforming the creator economy to become a decentralized ownership economy. In turn, Web3 seeks to transform what incentives look like, by establishing a layer of ownership into incentives. Think about it: the likelihood of a new customer becoming more invested as an ‘owner’ or ‘member’ versus a purely financially transactional ‘user’ makes sense. The most common incentive used today in Web3 is the token airdrop. These tokens give people a reason to try, join, or participate in a community, while unlocking a token of value.

“We’re not the only ones thinking about how incentives could transform in Web3. In David Tomu’s piece, ‘Designing Incentives for Web3 Communities’, he talks about intrinsic (motivated by internal rewards, like enjoying a hobby) vs extrinsic (motivated by external factors, like a financial discount) incentives. He notes that both incentives exist on both Web2 and Web3, and the airdrop token model of Web3 often creates an initial value but has the potential of dying off in value. This is because the community often has a ‘Holder’ mentality, which is spectaculative and primarily financially driven, versus a ‘Contributor’ mentality, which adds long-term value. He says, ‘We must switch from purely extrinsic incentives to an incentive model that includes both: extrinsic incentives to ensure liquidity and intrinsic incentives to ensure sustainability.’”
In the case of the metaverse game and virtual city-state Cryptopia, which is built entirely on the blockchain, the game itself was designed to encourage cooperation among players with the tycoon and adventurer gameplay strategies. Those who play the Tycoon strategy invest in NFTs and attempt to build a DeFi empire. To do this, however, they must hire other players – those who are playing the game for free and aim to earn by going on quests and performing jobs assigned by tycoons. This is why Cryptopia can best be described as a “free-to-play-and-earn” game.
The tokenomics of Cryptopia also incentivizes sustainable economic behavior within the game. The total supply of the game’s in-game currency, the Crytopia token (TOS), is 10 billion. Of this 10 billion TOS, the largest part is reserved for the game, with 40% (4 billion TOS) locked in the game, waiting for players to claim them. Because this supply of TOS is released over time as quest rewards, players are incentivized to reinvest their earnings in businesses and character advancement. This, in turn, potentially leads to a growth in demand.

One of the ways Cryptopia rewards its community is to give TOS as contest prizes. This is a good strategy because it attracts the right people to these contests. After all, the ones who will value TOS are the players, as this is the in-game currency.

More than just financial rewards, however, Cryptopia is also giving recognition to its members and raising their social status in the community. This is in line with the strategy of transforming a holder mentality into a contributor one.

For instance, Cryptopia used trendjacking to convert the popular GM meme on Twitter into a campaign that encouraged community members to submit user-generated content. It held the Cryptopia Grand Quiz Night, turning it into a fun way to test the community’s knowledge about Cryptopia while rewarding the winners with prizes and bragging rights. And, of course, it leveraged their Filipino community’s love for karaoke by launching Cryptopia Idol, which not only showcased the singing talents of community members but also of guests from other communities.

At the end of the day, each Web3 community is different, and you will have to really get to know your own community to tailor your campaigns to their tastes and needs. It’s not at all easy to get it right, but it’s definitely rewarding when you do.


What is Cryptopia?
Cryptopia is an upcoming blockchain game that stands out by design:
• Free to earn: everyone can play and earn. No need to buy an NFT first
• 100% decentralized: the game runs on the blockchain in combination with a node network
• Fun to play: play the way you want!
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