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Thông tin về Pexpay

What Is Pexpay?

Pexpay is a Seychelles-Registered cryptocurrency exchange platform focused on providing a safe and reliable trading experience for users in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), Asia, and Europe regions. It is one of the best P2P (Peer-To-Peer) trading platforms in the CIS region and has developed a suite of trading products for users including Spot, Futures, Convert, Savings and fiat on and off-ramp services. Pexpay has been developed with the latest security protocols in mind, ensuring that our user’s personal information and funds are always protected.

Who Is the Team Behind Pexpay?

The team behind Pexpay was operating as the technical service provider for Binance P2P prior to Pexpay's official launch in November 2021.

What Coins Are Supported on Pexpay?

The platform provides access to more than 100 cryptocurrencies and offers 0-fee trading with digital assets like BTC, and 0 maker-fee trading for all BUSD trading pairs including ETH, DOGE, SOL, MATIC and more.

How Much Are Pexpay Fees?

Fees in the P2P market are 0%. Fees on the Spot market range from 0% - 0.750% (with 25% BNB deduction), Futures market range from 0.0200% (Maker) - 0.0400% (Taker) respectively.

Free Bitcoin trading on the Spot market, and free maker spot trading for all BUSD trading pairs.. Furthermore, users can receive 10%-25% off fees if they use BNB to pay.

Pexpay Widget For Businesses and Crypto Projects.

This feature enables crypto businesses to instantly provide buy-crypto services for their users via the Pexpay P2P Widget. A user-focused on-ramp solution available for all businesses in just a few clicks. Businesses will now be able to allow users to purchase crypto with 0 fees, without having to manage l

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