Pearl v1.5

Pearl v1.5

Khối lượng giao dịch Dex (24h)



Thông tin về Pearl v1.5

Prior to this team coming together to work on Pearl, we’ve been dedicated builders across the DeFi space for several cycles. We’ve seen the various evolutions in AMMs, the rise and fall of Solidly and the current rise of Solidly Summer. As the fifth largest chain in DeFi, and one with a rich history of leadership and fostering innovation, Polygon’s lack of a ve(3,3) product was an obvious problem we believed we could solve.

As believers in the forthcoming real world asset (RWA) revolution in DeFi, we identified a strategic opportunity to embrace this shift, building a product focused on the needs of protocols and users looking to invest in tokenized real world assets. There’s a huge first-mover advantage to owning this space and we’re looking to capture it.

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