Equation v2

Equation v2

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Dự án này được giới thiệu là "Niêm yết không được theo dõi"

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Thông tin về Equation v2

What is Equation?

Equation is a decentralized perpetual contract protocol built on Arbitrum, audited by third-party auditor ABDK. With its innovative BRMM model, Equation allows traders to take larger and unlimited positions with up to 200x leverage at a lower risk of a blowout (MMR = 0.2%). At the same time, liquidity providers are able to use leverage at Equation to improve capital efficiency. As one of the DeFi protocols advocating for the resurgence of the 'Fair Launch', Equation is showing the world how the power of community-driven innovation can shape the future of decentralized finance. It prioritizes security and transparency and aims to provide traders with a reliable and secure environment for trading perpetual contracts.

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