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Thông tin về CrescentSwap

On the Arbitrum network, CrescentSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that provides a number of cutting-edge capabilities. It is intended to be community-driven, with flexible taxation parameters and adaptive liquidity for the benefit of both users and builders. In order to increase capital efficiency and provide novel staking strategies, the platform includes non-fungible staked positions, which work as an additional layer of functionality on top of conventional LP tokens. CrescentSwap uses a dual token system, with the natively liquid Moonlight token (MNLT) and the fully-backed Artemis Token (ARTMS), a stable-appreciating asset. With the help of this system, both holders and liquidity providers can generate long-term returns. The protocol attempts to stabilize the DeFi sector by reducing price manipulation and sustainability issues, and it is trustless and permissionless, allowing direct involvement with CrescentSwap without the team's meddling.

Based on the Uni-v3 model, CrescentSwap's AMM model is highly optimized and feature-rich. For trading pairs, it includes dynamic directional fees that enable different charge rates and swap modification based on the direction of the swap. StableSwap, a Curve Finance AMM implementation that enables trading stable pairs with less slippage, is also introduced on the site. CrescentSwap further provides projects with a launchpad to permissionlessly jumpstart their token launches and liquidity. Through a deflationary token model, emission distribution, protocol earnings redistribution, buyback and burn procedures, the protocol's sustainability and lifespan are given priority. Through CrescentDAO, which allows CrescentDAO NFT holders to participate in voting and discussions, the governance and decision-making process is facilitated, providing a community-driven approach to protocol development and decision-making. CrescentSwap's overall goal is to offer DeFi merchants and projects an ecosystem that is highly effective, flexible, and long-lasting.

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